The first time I even heard of a Cornish pasty was when I went to Cornwall (not surprisingly). I had planned to go on a camping trip with some friends near Newquay. (A town in Cornwall has been a tourist spot for more than a hundred years! Not surprising when you see those gorgeous beaches!) After days of planning, we hopped in the car and started driving. The five of…
Toad in the hole is my favorite way to use Yorkshire Pudding batter. It’s easy, delicious, and all in all pretty cheap to make (which is always a big bonus :). This may come as a surprise, but I have never actually had a non-vegetarian version… That being said I’ve had a few incredible vegetarian sausages with this dish. Namely, the Quorn sausages, and Beyond Meat’s Italian Sausages if you are in the…
Hey everyone! I feel like it’s been a while since I last posted, but don’t worry I’m still here!!!! 😃😃😃😃 I’ve had a crazy couple of months. Since my last post, I got a job, had been accepted to grad school at the University of Sussex, worked like a maniac, and like any upstanding man in my family I made a ton of delicious food and hit up the gym. …
The other day I was staring into my pantry thinking, “what should I make today?” After opening the fridge five or six times and being majorly disappointed that the Keebler elves didn’t visit my fridge, I decided to be creative and create a dish I haven’t had nor seen for some time. I’m that moment it occurred to me Pasta with Asparagus. As a child, I’d help my parents in…
Hey, welcome back! It’s been raining for the past several days. I haven’t seen rain like this here in quite some time. Don’t get me wrong, this is by no means a lot of rain. Right now I’m spending my week in Utah (in the USA) visiting friends and family. They’re an energetic lot, but this crazy weather is… well… bizarre. If you don’t know, Utah is a desert. So…
Zwiebelkuchen made my taste buds explode when I first tried this dish. Making it is extraordinarily easy. Tasting it will make you want only more. If there’s anything you can do to add something wonderfully delicious to your meal zwiebelkuchen is it. I know you will agree with me if you haven’t had yet. And if you have, then I’m sure you agree with me! At first glance, you’ll probably…
Welcome to the first ever Germany Food Month (#MarchGermany on Facebook/Instagram)! Don’t take this the wrong way, but when I think German food I think of this scene from Hogan’s Heroes. (I’m referring to the first nine seconds, or so, of this clip. But I highly recommend the show if you’d like a few laughs!) I love that show! (If you can’t see the clip let me know and…
Flammekueche (in Alsatian, tarte flambée in French, and flammkuchen in German) literally translates to “flame cake.” Flammekueche is probably one of the most bizarre pizza-esk dish you’ll ever come across. I mean, just look at the wide variety of names! But, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet). How the name came about is beyond me. I Googled around and couldn’t find anything definitive. But, if…
Poulet Vallée d’Auge (French chicken with apples) is the official chicken dish of Normandy. Its creamy sauce keeps the chicken moist during the entire cooking process. The flavor speaks of an old-timer dish (that is, a dish that takes a long time to make – something that we Millenials usually avoid due to a world of instantaneity). Truth be told, I know you’ll love this dish because of the rich flavors.…