
  • Italian Caprese Salad

    Hey, welcome back! It’s been raining for the past several days. I haven’t seen rain like this here in quite some time. Don’t get me wrong, this is by no means a lot of rain. Right now I’m spending my week in Utah (in the USA) visiting friends and family. They’re an energetic lot, but this crazy weather is… well… bizarre. If you don’t know, Utah is a desert. So…

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  • A French Salade Landaise Recipe

    Quick shameless plug, I made salade landaise as a second course after eating poulet vallée d’Auge (French Chicken with Apples) and it went together beautifully 🙂 Honest to goodness, this is the best salad I’ve had all year. I know it is still February, but this was definitely better than any salad I had last year. That is how good salade landaise really is, and you’ll love it too after the first bite! This incredible gourmet…

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