
  • German Potato Soup Recipe

    German Potato Soup


    Welcome to the first ever Germany Food Month (#MarchGermany on Facebook/Instagram)! Don’t take this the wrong way, but when I think German food I think of this scene from Hogan’s Heroes. (I’m referring to the first nine seconds, or so, of this clip. But I highly recommend the show if you’d like a few laughs!)      I love that show! (If you can’t see the clip let me know and I’ll try to find it again on YouTube!) Hahaha, call me an old-timer, but I love that show. So many good laughs. Anyway, as you might have gathered from watching…

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  • French Onion Soup


    ‘French onion soup, that sounds wonderful!’ ← One of the first thoughts I had this morning after waking up. Well, I had to fulfill that thought! Right? I mean how often do you get to have the food you first thought of in the morning!?!?!? Hmmm… well, actually thinking about it…

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  • Fettuccine Alfredo


    Ok, I know what your thinking. I mean, why would an Italian foodie say anything about a dish that isn’t truly Italian? Well, before I say anything at all I really need to type something up (forgive me for this little rant, but I feel fully justified in what I’m about to…

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  • Classic (Sicilian) Carbonara


    I woke up this morning feeling like bacon. Suffice it to say I was extremely disappointed when I opened my fridge. So, I came up with another plan. This afternoon I ran to the store and bought some. I came back and in minutes whipped together this delicious carbonara. Let…

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