
  • Peri Peri (Piri Piri) Spices -- Delicious & Wonderful

    Peri Peri spices are absolutely incredible. I had never heard about them until I moved to the UK. My first week there, all I heard about was this restaurant called Nando’s. Everyone said that it was delicious. A month or two later, I finally made my way over there. You know what? Nando’s (in the UK) is really good. Why? Because of the peri peri spices. Now, the peri peri…

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  • Garam Masala, Garam Masala is an incredibly easy spice mix!

    This Garam Masala recipe is extremely easy. The recipe is part of a 3-part series on Chicken Tikka Masala and Fresh Naan. Check them out! I know you’ll love them as much as you will the ease by which you can make Garam Masala! Enjoy! … Before I get any comments below, I know naan doesn’t originate from the UK. However, it pairs very nicely with Chicken Tikka Masala and is…

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